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Jun 15
2010Insatiable appetites abound. Aromas finally fill empty kitchens. Children scurry to the table for the long anticipated and desperately needed sustenance. Finally, the food arrives. Children, teens, and adults bask in the heavenly fragrance of rice, beans, and other staples hot-off-the-stove.
On June 2, 2010, after languishing in the Port-au-Prince port for almost two months, 41,200 pounds of rice was released for distribution to the hungry families of Haiti. In addition to the rice, some 8,300 “Buckets of Hope,” were also released for distribution to Haitian families.
According to Dennis Wilbanks of the Florida Baptist Convention’s partnership missions department, the rice plus all of the buckets and food were distributed within four days of their release by the Haitian Government. Commenting upon the urgency of the situation, Wilbanks added, “We must give the distribution report to the government officials in order to get more released.”
During February and March, more than 152,000 of the buckets of hope were packed with rice, flour, beans, oil, and other food by hundreds of Christians from Florida and other states as they sought to alleviate some of the hunger after the devastating earthquake of January 12.
Wilbanks cautioned, “The battle is not over; this is just the first one.” Fritz Wilson, Florida’s disaster relief director said another 14-16 shipping containers are awaiting release from the Haitian ports. Floridians are thankful that 41,200 pounds of rice and the contents of almost 1,400 Buckets of Hope are on the tables of so many who are hungry.
Pray for the Haitian people who are still reeling from the devastating effects of January’s earthquake. Pray that the Haitian government will release the tons and tons of food sitting in Haitian ports awaiting distribution.
Thank the Lord for Florida Baptists, Samaritan’s Purse, and the many other Christian ministries and relief agencies that have successfully distributed food, medicine, construction materials, and countless other supplies to the Haitian people.