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Mar 19
2010Democratic leaders hope to pass the Obama health plan this weekend.
Express your position. Send us your thoughts, and contact your representative to voice your opinion.
Idaho became the first state to pass a law designed to combat the effects of a potential passage of the Obama health care plan. On Wednesday, March 17, Governor Otter signed a measure that will require the state attorney general to sue the federal government if residents are forced to by health insurance. Similar legislation is pending in 37 other states.
Do you support or reject the plan? If the scheduled vote takes place on Sunday, you have only two days remaining to express your views with your elected representative. Pick up the phone, send an email, or fax to your representative and express your opinion.
Is there a need for health care reform, and are there people who would benefit from having health care? The answer is a resounding YES. Is health care a right? Is owning a house, car, cell phone, computer, big screen TV, or your own business a right? None of these things is guaranteed by our constitution.
We take the view that the current health care bill has become so tainted with concessions to special interest groups, back room and sweetheart deals, extraneous non-health issues such as student loans, cutting Medicare and Social Security budgets, tax increases, and reckless spending proposals, that the vast majority of Americans would be better served by scrapping the current bill and then crafting a totally new bill that could be worked out in a truly bipartisan manner.
Again, you have the right to express your position. Send us your thoughts, and contact your representative to voice your opinion.