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Dec 3
2009One of the favorite times of the year is upon us. Christmas is near. Christmas is a time to celebrate your faith with those you love. It is a time to get together with family and send a card or gift to a friend. Trees are trimmed, gifts are wrapped, music is enjoyed, and the scent of freshly baked cookies fills the air. Cards are sent and received. Families worship together, comes home to visit, gifts are exchanged, and delicious food is enjoyed. All is well.
The words above seem to describe a Norman Rockwell Christmas. For many, Christmas will not be that idyllic. Some are unemployed, others struggle with health issues, many have family problems that prevent the gatherings mentioned above, and others have simply run out of money.
The bottom line is this...whatever your personal situation, you can make this Christmas one of the best Christmases of your life. Christmas 2009 may not compare to the Christmas you celebrated in 2007. You know what? Take the pressure doesn't have to. The real meaning of Christmas is that of celebrating the birth of our savior and reflecting upon the blessings he has bestowed upon his children.
Trim back your own gift giving and gift receiving and find a family to bless this Christmas. You can identify a family that has needs through your church, the Salvation Army, or a local school. Buy the kids a toy; provide a new coat for the mother or a few pairs of jeans for the father. Provide food for the entire family. Do all of this anonymously for you are not seeking praise and recognition, you are seeking to bless someone else in the name of Jesus.
This Christmas can be a turning point for you, your family, and for someone else. Merry Christmas from!